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Kufa / Cooper Bark - 1Lb. Kufa / Cooper Bark - 1Lb.
Kufa / Cooper Bark - 1Lb.
Availability: In Stock
USD$ 8.00 USD$ 10.00
Kufa Bark is an ancient and popular Natural aphrodisiac with many physical benefits.
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Locust Bark- 1Lb. Locust Bark- 1Lb.
Locust Bark- 1Lb.
Availability: In Stock
USD$ 8.00 USD$ 10.00
Medicinal Uses

Analgesic  Antidiarrheal  Antifungal  Balsamic  Depurative  Febrifuge  Hemostatic  Laxative  
Mouthwash  Pectoral  Stomachic  Tonic  Urinary  Vermifuge

The bark is analgesic, astringent, balsamic, depurative, febrifuge, hemostatic, pectoral, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. It is commonly used in local folk medicine as a cure-all, being especially useful for coughs. Besides being used to give energy and stamina, a tea made from the bark has been used for centuries as a tonic for the respiratory and urinary systems by the indigenous people of the Amazon Basin. The tea is also used internally to treat stomach problems and back pains, as well as externally for athletes foot and foot fungus. It is known for its ability to fight fungus and yeast infections such as Candida albicans. The macerated bark is used as a treatment for diarrhea. The bark, sap or resin, and leaves are used medicinally for cystitis, hepatitis, prostatitis and cough. The sap is used for treating coughs and bronchitis. The resin and sap exuding from bore-holes in the bark is considered fortifying. It is used for treating chronic cystitis, urine retention, anemia, prostatitis, blennorrhagia and chronic bronchitis. The resin and sap are used externally for treating fresh wounds. The solid resin found at the base of the tree is balsamic, bechic, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. The fruit has a mild laxative effect. It is also used to treat mouth ulcers. The leaves and wood are used in the treatment of diabetes.
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Capadulla Shredded Bark 1 Lb. Capadulla Shredded Bark 1 Lb.
Capadulla Shredded Bark 1 Lb.
Availability: In Stock
USD$ 8.00 USD$ 10.00
Capadulla Bark is a male-specific aphrodisiac herb traditionally used by South American and Caribbean men to counter all adverse sexual health conditions
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Cockshun / Chaney Root Bark - 1Lb Cockshun / Chaney Root Bark - 1Lb
Cockshun / Chaney Root Bark - 1Lb
Availability: In Stock
USD$ 8.00 USD$ 10.00
?It is a Vine that is found in South America that has been used by men in the area to prevent and cure Impotence, Premature-Ejaculation and to raise sexual Libido. You get the same benefits from?CockShun?as you do from Viagra without any negative side effects.
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  • 17% Off
Rose of the Mountain Bark - 1 Lb. Rose of the Mountain Bark - 1 Lb.
Rose of the Mountain Bark - 1 Lb.
Availability: In Stock
USD$ 10.00 USD$ 12.00
ose of the mountain bark Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Rose
* Aphrodisiac * Aromatherapy * Beauty * Cuts & Wounds * Facial Care * Herbal Steam * Nutrition * Skin Care
* AntiCancer * Antidepressant * Antiscorbutic * Antispasmodic * Aphrodisiac * Aromatic * Astringent * Coagulant/Hemostatic * Cordial * Depurative * Emmenagogue * Hepatic * Laxative * Nervine * Refrigerant * Sedative * Skin tonic * Splenic * Stomachic * Uterine Tonic Hips, flower petals, leaves, bark vitamin c (to 1.7%), vitamins b,e, and k, nicotinamide, organic acids, tannin, pectin
The rose was one of the most valued medicinal plants in the monastery gardens of medieval Europe. Rose petals suitable for medicinal purposes must yield a deep rose-colored, astringent, and fragrant infusion when boiling water is poured upon them. Unfortunately many modern cultivars have been chosen more for vibrant display at the cost of aromatic scent. When we consider rose as a medicinal herb today, we tend to focus only of the high vitamin C content of the rosehips, or the value rose holds in healing damaged skin. A closer look reveals even more of the healing powers of this classic garden
The rose is sensual, evocative, and evokes the spirit of love in the heart and mind. Rose is a classic aphrodisiac because it affects both mind and body in a synergistic fashion. The scent of roses can reach within to lift depressive moods and create a feeling of well being and mild euphoria.
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