An assortment of beauty and self care products from makeup to hair & skincare to help you show up as the best version of yourself everyday.
Carrots contain a powerful natural antiseptic that kills germs, protects skin from free radicals and promotes the regeneration of healthy skin cells. Soul Essence Carrot Face & Body Scrub is a light exfoliating scrub. It uses the oil cleansing method and sugar crystals for exfoliation to gently remove dead skin. This scrub can be used on the face and body glowing results. Exfoliating Natural Skin Brightening/Lightening Face & Body for shiny smooth skin. More specifically, acne scars, dark armpits, knees, elbows, bikini area, etc.
Benefits may include:
• Minor Inflammation Reduction
•Treats Uneven skin tone
•Treats Discoloration
•Acne scars Reduced
Carefully created for vaginal health.
May eliminate bacterial infections, yeast
infections, itching, burning and skin irritations. Helps to balance pH
All bodies are different so test a portion of your skin
always before using any new products .
Ingredients: Glycerin, Rosemary oil, calendula oil, vitamin
e oil, basil oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil, neroli oil, and skin safe mica.
An assortment of beauty and self care products from makeup to skincare to help you show up as the best version of yourself everyday.
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